We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Our 2025 Plant sale is now closed, thank you for your purchases! We’re currently tending to your seedlings so they’re ready for your gardens in early April. We’ll be in touch with pickup details in March.

Happy Monday!

Hello All!

Lots completed last week:)

10 beds were prepped last week with the help of our regular volunteers, Kaiser, Sandia, Stanford and PLAY! Our volunteers got in there to glean out the winter veggies, especially the onions! They amended the beds with our COF, 2” of Oliver compost, lots of watering and each bed got a layer of straw to help conserve water. 

17 beds were planted with everyone’s help, plus Kaleidoscope! Over 100 eggplant, 150 tomatoes, 125 peppers and 30 tomatillos! Kaiser helped to plant some assorted tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, Kaleidoscope helped plant some old reliables-Big Beef tomatoes and Purple Beauty peppers, Sandia helped to plant some new Bulgarian tomatoes that R brought for us, Stanford helped out with planting an assortment of eggplants, tomatoes & started our first tomatillo bed, PLAY helped to plant more peppers and the Saturday PM shift finished with some tomatoes, as well as Tibetan Lhasa eggplant and Turkish Orange eggplant!

While all the beds were being prepped and plants being planted there were other chores getting done! Out in the Orchard the fruits were being thinned, Kaleidoscope helped to feed the worms a bag of fruit Ryan dropped off, shredded paper to place in the bin and helped to add a layer of compost to keep them worms healthy! Bind weed was removed, the new kiwis out front and by the pump shed were watered. A few volunteers helped to harvest and set back garlic for fall planting. Tomato beds needing cages were taken care of by the Saturday PM crew as well as watering some beds that were needing some extra water. Some regulars started clipping the tomato plants to the trellis or cage. Sandia helped to create tags for seeds that are going to be direct sowed.

All that, and I am sure much more, AND we harvested over 680lbs of produce for our community❤️ Each group got to help out with the harvest, washing, packing and getting it all ready for going out on our deliveries to the local pantries. Some of the onions were placed into the storage shed but that will also be going into our communities in the near future!

Thank you one and all for coming out and helping us get this work done!

Take care
