We are open during normal volunteer hours.

Our 2025 Plant sale is now closed, thank you for your purchases! We’re currently tending to your seedlings so they’re ready for your gardens in early April. We’ll be in touch with pickup details in March.

Happy Monday!


Hope everyone is doing well! I have been battling a cold the past few days but I am still enjoying the cool weather we are having right now! Last week in the garden it was pretty darn hot again. Thank you all for heading out to the garden earlier than usual to help us beat the heat🌞

There are so many bindweed plants competing with our veggie plants! MA was out there helping us to catch up on them in the N bed area! He must’ve taken out around 4-5 wheelbarrows worth of weeds from that area alone! The Native bed was also taken care of by SM. She was able to weed out at least 8’ of space on the Southern end of the Native bed:) K18 got weeded out of most of the invasive stinkwort thanks to RL & JM & JR! Our Weed Annihilator, RB, was back out attacking the weeds around the compost bins, go RB! It looks like our Saturday crew were out there not only weeding the squash beds but squash bug hunting as well! Still more weeds so if you are looking for a weeding job there is still plenty to do! And VT (our Squash Bug Hunting Queen) I am sure there will be more bugs to squash;) VT always takes the time to hunt the squash bugs during her time in the garden:) We are grateful for that!

The other major job happening last week was fixing the leaks in the beds. Wednesday found a crew out there fixing lines in the N beds, K18 and any other bed that needed fixing! RL, MA & WZ were at it as quickly as they could so the plants would get the water they were needing during the heat! We will be switching out the irrigation lines this Fall as we start planting beds with the Winter crops. 

AB32 & AB33 were prepped this week with crews led by Enrique! They started with weeding on the hottest day and finished AB32 on Friday (a much cooler morning) and AB33 on Saturday (again, much cooler!). They were able to get AB32 planted with 75 Silver Queen corn on Friday with the help of the Triple E’s…also known as Quadruple E’s when Enrique joins the crew! AB 33 is now ready to be planted this week with more Silver Queen corn🌽

EL helped us to get some garlic set into bags for storing for planting in the Fall. Brenda found a shady spot for her to get this work done in. That was a blessing because it was so stinking hot that morning! EL even followed me home to be sure I made it safe when I overheated myself:( Thank you again EL!

Let’s see, in the Orchard DB was out fighting the fire blight on the pear trees. RL showed some newer volunteers how to feed the worms as well as placed some shredded paper on them and watered them in! The Triple E’s got to check out the worms on Friday and helped to get a layer of compost on them and gave them a bit more water too! Tomatoes were clipped back into their cages, tomato cages were placed on plants in bed N11. Beds were planted; M08 was planted with 16 gourds, Tao Yai ‘obo’ by CL, F01 was prepped and planted with half the beans, 96 Agate beans, on Friday by LA & ma and finished off by the Saturday crew with 75 Antigua Bush beans. E02 was planted up with Adzuki Red, Garbanzo and Mung beans wherever there was an empty spot. F02’s empty spots were planted with Dragon Tongue beans. Looking forward to lots of beans this year!

I believe that covers most of what was accomplished in the garden last week! We harvested 288.19lbs for the pantries last week. Yes, a low number but a lot of it is greens and they do not weigh much so do not let the weight fool you!!!

Again, thank you all for heading out to the garden, especially during this heat, and helping us to get done what needs to be done for the good work that happens❤️

Take care
