Happy Monday!

Hello All!

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend;)

YC helped us with unpacking some new plants from Planting for Justice; Tamarillo, Sunchoke, Mulberry, Loquat, Guava, Taro, Crosnes, Kiwi. YC took them out of the packages and got them watered for us. It will be her last time for a while since she will going for her Masters!!! Hope to see her again in December! Good Luck YC!!! SM was in the Big Hoop House keeping her company and cleaning labels for new seedlings! We all ended the shift weeding as much bindweed as we could. SM and I ended up with barbed seeds all over us and had to sit at the porch and pick them off us, lol! At first I thought they were nettle seeds but now I am not so sure! Will have to do more research on it🧐

Weeding, yup, more weeding in the garden. RB Weed Annihilator understands because he is continuing the work of annihilating as much as is possible in the 3 hours he has! He has the help of the other volunteers who get into the beds to weed out what is in between the plants! The N beds needed a lot of help over the past few weeks and the Hoop Houses got some love over the weekend with volunteers converging around them to pull out the weeds (N with C&C, OB, VT, SW, KC got in there to clear things out)! K18 got weeded out and prepped and planted with mild onions DB brought from his garden! Yes, DB, we finally planted them thanks to CL, DH and RL!

There were some grapes growing in bed N15. Ryan got them out and we ended up putting them in water to see if they will root up for us to place around the orchard! PB cleaned out the Big Hoop House with Brenda! She organized the flats of pots for us and got rid of the leftover cardboard that was not needed for future mulching. EL laid back more garlic seed for our fall plantings and I kept her company for a bit sorting out all the old gloves that either had no match or were crunchy and nobody wanted to wear anymore😑 New youth group out thanks to MS & NS, the A List! They helped with harvesting and getting our tomatoes clipped up. Once the tomatoes start growing they leave no room to walk down our paths. Thanks to the A List we can now walk the path between K06 & K05! MS & NS’s dad was out during the shift to take pictures and then he singlehandedly washed and packed the produce for us that day! Looking forward to having them back out:)

More tomato cages were made and placed into the beds. B13 got cages added, N11 got the rest of the tomatoes caged and later in the week AM & NM placed cages around the tomatillos in N11. The next day A14 got caged up! Enrique and OM were redigging holes around the pump shed to lay pipes. GLIFY was out and helped continue work on the new expansion. This weekend they redid the ditch for the pipes and got some irrigation tied into the 2” main line. Since we’re talking water, there was a leak that got fixed in N11 as well. That was thanks to Enrique walking the beds before the shift started and finding what was needing to be fixed! It is tricky when the beds are planted with the tomatoes because you can’t really see most of the leaks, now you need to get out there and listen for the leaks! 

This week we harvested 515.37lbs of produce for the local food pantries! 

Thank you all for coming out and helping us get the work done. We had another week of hot weather and rearranging the time so we could beat the heat and we so appreciate you all for coming out and helping us!

Take care
